Agriculture Insurance

Agriculture Insurance
Agriculture Insurance
Agriculture Insurance

Agriculture Insurance Solutions

Please note that the options listed are not exhaustive, contact us today to discuss your unique insurance solution and experience the superior service that Welwitschia Insurance Brokers is known for.

Asset Protection

Asset Protection

Agriculture property insurance is a type of insurance that protects the owners and their property from various risks, such as fire, theft, or hail damage.
Livestock and Pedigreed Animals

Livestock and Pedigreed Animals

Death of livestock, or pedigreed animals, due to fire, lightning and transit. With pedigreed animals, this cover can be extended to include various illnesses and transit.
Crop Insurance

Crop Insurance

The loss of crops due to natural disasters, such as hail


Public Legal compensation for liability due to the accidental death or injury of a third party. General liability, property owners' liability, products liability, animals and spread of fire, with extensions for warehouseman liability, guesthouses, and camping facilities.


Cover damage to farm buildings, equipment, crops, and livestock caused by fires ignited by lightning strikes and can also be extended to cover weather- and water-related perils, as well as accidental injury and attacks by dogs or wild animals.
Farm Vehicles

Farm Vehicles

There are several options available to protect your vehicles and operations. Here are some key types of coverage:

Liability Coverage

Collision Coverage

Provides protection for damage to your personal vehicle (including farm trucks, trailers, and tractors) due to accidental collision or upset.